A few words from Derek & Vanessa
Meridian Meadows has had a few new families move in over the summer. We would like to extend a hearty welcome. We hope you will enjoy living here. Another summer is over and boy what a wet one we had. It has been one of the wettest on record and hopefully, we should have a nice warm fall and some of the water that’s lying around will evaporate.
General Information
Just a reminder that the speed limit through our Community is 30 km/hr. Please be aware of this and make your guests aware of this as well. We have no sidewalks, so we are forced to share the road. Let’s watch out for one another. Also, when walking on the road walk against the traffic and if you’re biking, bike with the traffic.
Just a reminder that our office will not tolerate any verbal abuse. We understand at times that we will have differences, but abuse of any nature will be forwarded to the police. If you have a complaint, please send us a signed letter or schedule an appointment so we can address your concern. If your letter is not signed, we cannot address it properly.
Insurance: We will be requiring your proof of home insurance upon renewal on a yearly basis. When your new policy comes in please bring in a copy to the office. Vanessa will be mailing out reminder letters as well. Some of you have been upset with this new policy but as a Landlord, proof of insurance is required by our Insurance Company from all Tenants who lease land from us.
If you see suspicious activity in the Park please call 9-1-1. Don’t wait until the office is open. Report anything suspicious immediately! If you see people acting strangely or they seem that they don’t belong here call the police as they are trespassing on private property.
On September 16th we got a new mail lady; please be patient with her as she learns the names and numbers of our Park. If you have received mail in error, please pop it in our Meridian Meadows mailbox. Do not put it on the bookshelf or attach it to the corkboard. Mail is private and we want to respect that privacy.
Community Events
As most of you know every year, we hold a “Beautiful Yard Competition”. We look for yard neatness, color and other interesting details, as well as improvements. Yikes, do you ever make this job hard! We have been taking nominations all summer and these are the homes that were chosen this year: 69,78,40, and 26. Congratulations!! You make us so proud and we thank you for all your hard work. This is why Meridian Meadows continues to be one of the best Modular Home Parks in Alberta!
Our ladies Craft Night will be starting up again on the first Tuesday of October. We are a bit late starting this year as we have undergone an office renovation. This Craft Night runs every Tuesday evening from 7-9 pm. All are welcome to attend! We love to see what other “crafters” are doing. If you aren’t crafty, no problem, just come and have a visit and a laugh.
We have created a lovely little community on Facebook. If you would like to join, we would love to have you follow us. Search for us on Facebook; just remember to look for our duck logo to be directed to the correct page.
Town of Stony Plain: visit www.stonyplain.com for a list of some upcoming events. One of my favorites is the Shred-it Event taking place on Saturday, September 28th, 2019. It’s a great way to confidently shred sensitive paperwork. Another event that is quite enjoyable is the Seniors Jamboree. Dancing at the Community Centre from Sunday, February 3rd, 2019 – Sunday, May 3rd, 2020. Get out your dancing slippers!
Odds and Ends
Fall is a great time to check your furnace and heat tape. If you are having furnace/heat tape/hot water tank trouble, please call Vanessa at the office for a list of good reputable companies that we enjoy working with.
SNOW!! We all know it’s coming and after our dismal summer it’s going to be hard to get accustomed again to being punished by snow. Our snow removal equipment will be getting prepared shortly so I just want to remind you that the bus route will be done first. Once again please don’t approach the machinery while they are working as they can’t see or hear you. If your kids are wanting to play in the snow piles, please let them do so after the machines are finished.
Last year on a whim we decided to put together a bus trip to Castrol Christmas Lights in Leduc. Is this something that you would like us to do again? If so, please call the office so we can get an idea of how many buses we would need. It was a lot of fun; especially trying to remember the twelve days of Christmas!
Dogs, dogs, dogs: Our by-laws state that you can have one dog per household. We understand that some of you have more so please respect us bending the rules for you by picking up and not letting the dogs bark at all inconvenient hours of the day or night. We know that your dog(s) are precious to you, but we will not tolerate bad behavior by the dog or the owner. Your dog will be asked to leave.
If you no longer have a landline and are using a cell phone, please let the office know of your new number. You can email us at meridianmeadows@telus.net or call the office at 780-968-2218. In the event of an emergency, we will need to get ahold of you.
Enjoy the coming winter and remember it’s a time for re-birth and rest. If your one of the lucky ones and there are lots of you, that goes away for the winter, please be safe and we will see you when you return in the spring.