A few words from Derek & Vanessa
Mmm the long blissful days of summer have arrived! The smell of fresh cut grass is enough to put anyone in a happy mood! Please remember that with the nice warm weather comes more people outside enjoying it so please slow down and remember that the speed limit is 30 km. Your guests are your responsibility so please remind them of the speed limit as well. We have a family of little geese so please drive carefully by the pond. If you have recently moved into our Community, welcome!
General Information:
Just a reminder that we are on Facebook. We would love to have you join our on-line family! Our website; meridianmeadows.ca has also become a hot topic lately and we are getting lots of traffic to the site. All our listings are on there as well lots of other good information so check it out!
Community Events:
The treasure hunt was a good success and I think a lot of people were in the park that weekend. The Town put orange stickers on the items that were not allowable so if your stuff was not hauled away that was why. If the Town didn’t pick it up your stuff please dispose of it immediately.
What a beautiful weekend we had for the 3rd Annual Community Garage Sale!! We had over 30 participants this year. If you have any ideas for next year on how we could improve it please drop by the office or email me. Tentative date for the fourth annual garage sale is May 24, 2019.
Our Beautiful Yard Competition is on once again. We choose three homes that display an array of color and yard neatness and also most improved. This is such a hard job for us as there are so many of you that put a ton of effort into your yards and homes. If your neighbor has an incredible yard and you would like to nominate them by all means call the office or email us to let us know about it.
DOG FECES!!Please, please, please pick up after your dog! Your yard must be kept clear of dog poop. Because of the way that our homes are laid out here your neighbors windows open up into your yard and if you have a yard full of poop well guess what; it stinks! Totally not fair to your neighbors. We have toyed with the idea of making the park a dog-free zone but we really don’t want to do that because we know how much your pets mean to you.
Yards: I was driving around the park the other day and I noticed that there are a few yards that require some TLC. Please mow your grass on a regular basis and weed your planters.
Theft from vehicles: This past May long weekend we had quite a few vehicles broken into where cash and other items were stolen. I hate to say this but we are not immune to this kind of activity. Please make sure your car doors are locked at night. If you see someone suspicious lurking around please call the police immediately.
Speeding: We have had a lot of cars recently speeding through the park with loud mufflers. If these people are visiting you please make them aware of the speed limit. I have spoken with the RCMP and they have said if we can get a license plate number of the vehicle then we can report it.
Gerry’s Edwards Celebration of Life
As you all must know by now Gerry passed away on March 26, 2018. A celebration of his life will be held at the Heritage Pavilion in Stony Plain on August 25th, 2018 at 2 pm. In honor of Gerry we are asking that everyone plant a red geranium in a pot in their front yard this year. They were his favorite flower.
Odds & Ends:
- If your yard is full of Dandelions please spray for them.
- RV’s: Rv’s such as motorhomes, campers, utility trailers etc. cannot be stored on your lot. You have 24 hours for loading and un-loading purposes only. If you need a little extra time you must call the office and inform us. I will go gray over this issue!
- We have baby geese! Please be mindful when passing the ponds. We are all fanatical about our geese.
- Phone numbers: If you no longer have a land line please let the office know. If your phone number has changed, also let us know.
In closing:
Once again I would like to thank you all for keeping your homes looking beautiful. You make our Community truly special.
Thought to Ponder: