A few words from Gerry, Derek, & Vanessa
Happy winter season to you all! We have had some snow and then some rain which makes for treacherous walking even though we have spread a lot of sand. Please be careful on the roads which brings up another point; the speed limit is 30km throughout the park. Please be reminded of this fact and remind those who visit you too.
During the fall we had many new people join our Meridian Meadows Family. I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone who has recently moved in. We truly hope you enjoy living here.
If you would like to receive these newsletters by email please email me at meridianmeadows@telus.net.
We are getting more and more traffic to our site which is good for all of us – it means that people are looking for us!! Please join us on Facebook too, it’s a great way to share and post pictures.
Snow: Just to recap our snow rules:
- The main roads will be cleared FIRST (bus route)
- Vehicles are NOT to be parked on the street. Cars are hard to maneuver around.
- When shoveling your drive please put the snow on your grass not on the road.
- Please don’t flag down our operators while they are cleaning because they can’t hear you.
We are still dealing with complaints about dog feces not being picked up. Please clean up after your pet. If caught we will call the Community Peace Officers. You will be issued a fine. If you see anyone not picking up you can call the Peace Office yourself at 780-963-8650.
Cats: Please don’t leave your cats outside in this weather. Cats cannot handle the cold so please don’t let them run the neighborhood. They will be trapped and turned over to animal control.
We have the Kinsmen Christmas Hamper in the office until December 12th. We are collecting food and new, unwrapped gifts to help those who are less fortunate. Such a great cause and 100% goes right to our community. This organization is run purely by volunteers and is a cause that we truly believe in. Any help is greatly appreciated.
In Closing
If this winter/Christmas season sees you travelling, please drive safely. With that said the staff of Meridian Meadows sends a Christmas wish for you: May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace, the gladness of Christmas, give you hope and the warmth of Christmas grant you love. Happy Christmas!
Derek, Vanessa, and Gerry
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