Currently, Meridian Meadows does not get involved in selling any of the homes in the community. All sales and purchases of every home is the responsibility of the Homeowner and potential Tenant and not Meridian Meadows. An exception would be if we had any empty lots then the home must be purchased through the office. All homes in Meridian Meadows are either listed with a Realtor or sold through a private sale. Homes are not permitted to be rented in Meridian Meadows.
View the home that you would like to make an offer on. Once your offer has been accepted and as a condition of the sale, you will need to come in for Community Approval. Phone the office to schedule an appointment. There will be some paperwork to fill out.
Once all conditions have been removed and you have received community approval you will need to come in and sign the Tenancy Agreement.
A VOID cheque must be given to the office at least one week prior to possession date. We electronically collect the rent at Meridian Meadows.
If you have question, please contact us.
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